Starting time: 11.30 pagi
Name: Nurul Aida (Cahaya KeberuntuGan)
Sisters: 1, Ain (20)
Brothers: 2, Nazreen (18), Afif (13)
Shoe size: 5/6
Height: 158cm
Where do you live: Rumah familY kat bachaG mLk n umah sEwa kat Paya LebaR Msjid Tnah MLK..
Have you ever been on a plane: kpL terbaG tiruan kat mLk tu pnah la..hehe..leh dikire tak =)
Swam in the ocean: Yup..kat kLebaG..kat p.D, n etc
Fallen asleep at school: SeLaLu..hohoho..lastLy msE study siaP bwk bntaL bCuk lg..cuz nk tgu next cLass (giLer pnye kJe)
Broken someone’s heart: Yes..sOri I had tO do that..mayB we wasn’t have chemistry
Fell off your chair: Of coz..dak wak cU yg tarik my krusi k mSe tu form 2..geramY!!!
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: of sweetheart =)
Saved e-mails: Yup..
What is your room like: kdaG2 kemas..pastu bsepah bLik..hohoho
What’s right beside you: mY teddy bEar =)
What is the last thing you ate: emm..mihun sup n kuih kaswi..
Chicken pox: Yup..mse kcik..
Sore throat: Pnah kOt..luper ble..
Stitches: ada…kat kaki..kat tgn..kat jari..
Broken nose: Nope..xda ..n xnk..
Do you believe in love at first sight: tgl knaGn..juz hOpe he wiLL find his angel..
Like picnics: sOmetimes..tgk kdaan n mOod..
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with: xpnah..da kwin nntiLa kot =)
Last made you smile: my swEEthearts n my friends..
You last yelled at: my Little brOther..last year..fightiG with him....
Today did you…
Talked to someone you like: of cos..with my bB@swEetheart..
Get sick: sLaLooOO..mayB my anTIbodi xkuaT kot..huhuhu
Talk to an ex: sOmetimes..ble tibe ari raya..n pOsa.. but now..maybe tak..xnk kcO his Life..
Miss someone: Yup..
Who do you really hate: emm..kdaG2 juz let it gO..
Do you like your hand-writing: No..No..No..bruk siOt..huhuhu
Are your toe nails painted: Nope
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: HoteL
What color shirt are you wearing now: cokLat
Are you a friendly person: kat org yg kt knaL je..yg lain maybe kt pendiam kOt..huhu
Do you have any pets: Nope
Do you sleep with the TV on: Nope
What are you doing right now: wOrkinG
Can you handle the truth: SometimeS..
Are you closer to your mother or father: my Mom..
Do you eat healthy: emm..xske mkn sayUr..
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: xpnah..
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: Klo bad mOod or bad day..juz let it gO..kT akan tidO jerk..
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: tgk kdaan n membe..if membe talkative sure kt pn camtu =)
Are you confident: DefiniteLy Not.. I’m reaLLy sad persOn..i’m rite ?..huhu
5 things I was doing 10 years ago: Letih nk pikir..hehehe..sOri..
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
sOri..xskE braGan..cuZ sureLy xkan jd biLLionaire..hohoo=)
5 of my bad habits:
- Takut tdO soraG2..
- soraG gaL yg Low Confident =(
- Suke pK neGative
- mKn bnyak =)
- yanG pMaLu n GaraG..hehe..garaG ke?
5 places I’ve lived/living:
- Perak
- Melaka
- Pahang
- Bachang, Melaka
- Masjid Tanah, Melaka
5 people I tag:
- Sepet
- Sape2 yg xda idEa nk uPdate bLog dia..hehe
- U..
- KoOla..
- engkaULa..sape lagi..hehe
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